ACCU-DRAWmaintains sterility while allowing access to nonsterile vials. This protects both patient and staff by helping to prevent dangerous ? even deadly ? medication mix-ups, as well as needle sticks. Important ACCU-DRAW benefits: 1. Patient Protection The person administering the injections can see vial labels at all times, ensuring that patients receive the intended medication and that the expiration date has not passed. 2. Staff Safety ACCU-DRAW holds vials, so nurses no longer need to. No more worrying if the doctor's aim is great. No more getting stuck with needles. Assistants can stay out of the needle danger zone at all times. 3. Time Management Why waste time holding vials when nurses have many more important tasks? Now nurses can do what they are paid to do -- help take care of patients! 4. More Efficient Vials are loaded and ready for use. How it works: The durable plastic holder accommodates two single-dose and three multi-dose vials at a time. It clamps onto any table surface or IV pole. Vials that run out can be replaced with fresh ones at any time during the procedure. You'll know vials are secure because they click and lock into place. Vials are held at the perfect angle, allowing complete emptying and reducing medication waste. Recommended for surgeons, anesthesiologists, and IV nurses. Device must be positioned at waist level when scrubbed to allow for sterile access. Patent pending.
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