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Item#: Moo-46782-EA
Padded Splinting Material, 1/4" Thickness - 1/8" PPT and 1/8" Plastazote, 19" x 29" Plastazote/PPT, Beige/Blue, sold as Diab-A-Sheet brand, Moore Medical 46782
Diab-a-Sheet is a combination of Plastazote on one side, which reduces shear and distributes forces more evenly, and PPT on the reverse side for shock absorption and cushioning.
Product Details
Dealer #
Manufacturer #
Moore Medical
Padded Splinting Material
19 X 29 Inch, Plastazote / PPT, Beige / Blue
Made especially for the diabetic or insensitive foot, PPT-plastazote laminated sheets are easy to grind, cut and shape to any size with ordinary equipment
Sheets adhere easily to other materials with contact or barge cement
1/8 inch PPT, 1/8 inch Plastazote
PPT is the #1 medical grade soft-tissue supplement for cushioning, durability and the highest degree of shock absorption
PPT provides the maximum comfort and flexibility
PPT is available for all your orthopedic, therapeutic, orthotic, and prosthetic applications, including custom orthotics, prefabricated orthotics, prosthetic padding and other biomechanical supports
Sheet size: 18" x 39" (4.88 sq ft)
Color: Blue/Flesh
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