Catheterization Simulator, Male by Life/Form W44005, 1005587, LF00855
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Item#: Moo-68125-EA
Product Details
Dealer #
698005, AAA-3B
Manufacturer #
68125, now 3B-LF00855
Moore Medical
Catheterization Simulator Mannequin
With the life/form male catheterization simulator, catheterization can be practiced just as on a real patient
Life/form male catheterization simulator includes a hard carrying case, lubricant, catheter, and teaching guide
The experience teaches proper positioning and movement of the penis to allow the catheter to pass easily with the minimum of discomfort to the patient
Catheterization is one of the basic skills all nursing students must learn, and to learn the techniques, they must practice. Any patient volunteers? Not likely! But the Life/form® simulator allows demonstration and practice in urinary catheterization without embarrassment or discomfort to the patient or the students. In addition, the catheterization simulator is useful for anatomical identification and demonstration of perineal care. With the re-designed Life/form® Male Catheterization Simulator, catheterization can be practiced just as on a real patient. A lubricated catheter can be inserted in the urethral orifice, passed through the urethra, and into the bladder. When the bladder is successfully entered, artificial urine (water) will flow from the catheter. The student will feel the normal restrictions caused by the mucosal folds, bulbous urethra, and the internal urethral sphincter, just prior to entrance into the bladder. The experience teaches proper positioning and movement of the penis to allow the catheter to pass easily with a minimum of discomfort to the patient. Just as in a real patient, the cuff must be completely deflated before the catheter is removed. Improper use of a Foley catheter can result in damage to the simulator, just as when using a Foley catheter with a real patient. Includes a hard carry case, lubricant, silicone catheter, and instruction manual. Fluid supply stand not included.
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