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Item#: Per-081005362-EA
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Product Details
Dealer #
Manufacturer #
Sammons Preston
Performance Health
Universal Cuff
Overall Length
Helps people with limited hand ability, dexterity, or strength to comfortably and more independently hold eating utensils and writing tools
The adjustable elastic strap will provide a snug, custom fit and is used to fit around the palm of the user’s hand
Features right-angle pocket to help provide a better feeding angle of the desired utensil or daily living object
The leather cuff is intended for single use and can be hand washed with mild soap and water and air dried
Determined by measuring the hand’s MCP width, the cuff is available in sizes: small 2-1/2"), medium (3"), and large (3-1/2")
Securely Fits Around the User’s Hand
The Universal Cuff is a leather cuff that fits around the palm of the user's hand and is secured with an elastic strap. The assistive device is designed to provide users with limited grip strength and dexterity more control with utensils and writing tools. The durable leather cuff will withstand rugged use and allows one-handed application and removal.
Features Adjustable Elastic Strap
The leather cuff is designed to hold eating utensils for individuals who are unable to grasp or hold a spoon, knife, or fork. Eating utensils are not included. The leather cuff comes in three different sizes: small (2-1/2"), medium (3"), and large (3-1/2"). For the correct fit, determine the size of the cuff by measuring the hand's MCP width.
Designed to Aid Neurological Conditions
The Universal Cuff has right-angle pockets that facilitate various types of daily living devices to fit into the pocket. These devices include eating utensils, a toothbrush, pencil or pen, and other items that will fit within it. Both children and adults living with neurological issues such as Parkinson's Disease, ALS, MS, or conditions such as cerebral palsy, rheumatoid arthritis, post-stroke issues, and osteoarthritis can benefit from using the cuff.
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