Instrusponge is impregnated with endozime® aw triple plus® with apa (advanced proteolitic action) and is attached to a flexible plastic wand that allows for easy maneuvering through complex internal channels, cannulas and lumens to loosen and expel gross contaminants
Unlike conventional channel wire bristle brushes that can cause scarring on instrument walls, instrusponge's foam tip gently wipes clean the inside surface of the take-apart channel while instantly and actively digesting bioburden upon contact. dipping foam tip in water immediately activates the enzymes
Ready-to-clean! dip instrusponge in water to activate the enzymatic foam tip
Easy to use! instrusponge's plastic wand allows for easy passage through channels
Designed for single-use to help decrease the risk of cross contamination. sponge tip prevents damage frequently caused by hard-bristle brushes. impregnated with multi-tiered endozime® aw triple plus® with apa. unlike bristles, instrusponge will not spatter the operator when coming out of channel
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