Detergent-thickened, disinfecting, non-acid cleaner designed to disinfect walls, sink tops, tables, chairs, telephones, door knobs, light switches, shower stalls, hampers, cabinets, bed springs, and many other surfaces
Its unique formula combines powerful chelating agents with a heavy concentration of high sudsing detergents to create superb cleaning and clinging characteristics.
Thickened non-acid bathroom cleaner is epa registered as a disinfectant*, is a powerful deodorant. it's disinfecting formula is powerful enough to be effective in the presence of 5% serum against hiv-1 (aids virus) on inanimate, environmental surfaces
It is strong enough to control bacteria on the inside of toilet bowls and urinals, yet mild enough to use on a variety of other surfaces
It is milder and easier to use than many acid-type products, plus it does not produce any dangerous acid fumes
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